The Fictional Time History
In the past, in a little town who the name the people never mention, lived a strange people and that people has the power to translate between dimensions and times but every time that they did the physical appearance changed. An unknown told that he knew one of them, she was running away,she was like human but his skin was rough.One morning he woke up and the extraordinary person was not there but she wrote a letter where mentioned the location of the town and the reason why that people existed, they were a laboratory experiment. The letter said that in the beginning, the government gave the opportunity of choose which son they wanted of putted in the program but when the experiment was a success all the people had to be in there. Time later in the laboratory, one man was separate of his family so he decided to die, the family just had a photography of he before die, the key of unlock the mystery of his die; the doctor said that he was very sad so that was a suicide but the family didn't believe in that, the family started to look for clues. At ends of the month, a government officer touched the door, he wanted the last son of their family for putted on the experiment. One week later, the little girl found a trunk with all of her father, there she found a photograph, she could come back in the time and looked what really happened, her father discovered how treated all that people who had that power and the government used for bad things like a changed the result of the war, send children or mother no matter the consequences, the government killed him. So, she took a sip of his father blood and she came back again to the father's day death, she asked him how sttopped that and he showed how to finished that, she felt pain and fault, she felt the emotions of all the people of the experiment,she broke the space time, she sacrisfated herself and treated all the people like her. Today is just a town history but nobody knows if she was the girl of the history, nobody knows if she was the only surviving, nobody knows the truth and nobody will ever know.