martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Synopsis of "Vincent"

Vincent- Tim Burton 

Imagen relacionadaThe film narrates the history of Vincent Malloy,who is a obedient and good 7 years old child.He likes to read, his favorite writer is Edgar Allan Poe. However, this kid looks confused by the fact that he seems to have a double identity problem comparing himself  with Vincent Price. Mr. Price is a strange boy who makes experiments and has unreal thoughts. Also Mr. Price has a wife. Malloy lives in a normal house which he pictures as a possesed and dark castle. 
Resultado de imagen para vincent tim burton
He has a cute aount and he is nice with her but his dark thoughts imagine how to make her into a wax statue. Also, he wants to convert his dog into a zombie and spends time imagine how to make people suffer.
Since the beginning, his mom wants him to be a normal boy but she doesn't understand the way he acts.  
Resultado de imagen para vincent tim burtonOne day, he was in his room and he started to be attacked by his own demons like his died wife, his zombie dog and his wax statue aount, all that made him fell bad.
The end of the film is a mistery because people would doubt whether he died or he woke up the other day. 
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